The intangible cultural and natural heritage of the Danube agrobiodiversity and its gastronomy treasures are at risk. Losing agrobiodiversity heritage can potentially mean losing a wealth of genetic resources for food and agriculture, limiting our options for adapting to climate change, and making food less colourful, less inspiring and less nutritious.

Nativa is a partner in the Interreg Danube project Socially Responsible Slow Food Tourism (SReST) aiming to face this common challenge and to provide solutions for the Danube area agrobiodiversity and food heritage valorisation in a socially responsible way. By doing so, the project will help to enhance local agricultural high-value chains while preserving local communities’ natural and cultural diversity and promote sustainable tourism as a pathway for food heritage protection also by engaging vulnerable groups (youth, elderly, disabled, migrants) in rural and suburban partner areas.
Within SReST, we will develop joint solutions to enhance socio-economic development and to promote alternative models and competitive new tourism products of sustainable tourism “slow food” itineraries grounded in agrobiodiversity and food heritage, tested in different territorial contexts of pilot regions.
SReST will provide integrated solutions that will result in a community that interacts and works as a system, welcoming visitors who discover it through tourism agrobiodiversity in an engaging (SRest = splendid rest) way. SReST Digital Ecosystem for Learning and Innovation will incorporate all our learnings, solutions & instructions and will enable capitalization of project results beyond the initial project territory.
Project duration: 1 January 2024 – 30 June 2026
Total project budget: 1.540.470 EUR
Total EU funds: 1.232.376 EUR
More info: SReST | Homepage (interreg-danube.eu)